New Kilnamartyra GAA Footballer Painting Workshop

New Kilnamartyra GAA Footballer Painting Workshop

Cill na Martra (Kilnamartyra) GAA has had a historic series of wins this year and seems unstoppable. These local sporting heroes are bringing such pride to their communities here in the village of Kilnamartyra, where the Toy Soldier Factory is situated, that we wanted to dedicate a footballer painting workshop just for them and give a special discount to you when you visit us.

Cill na Martra are intermediate Munster Football Champions after a win over Mungrets St. Paul Limerick in Mallow having won the AIB Munster Club IFC quarter final against Kilmihil (in Clare).

Choose the footballer option from our workshop menu and paint it in the team colours you support. You can see some examples painted by our resident painter here. Only available up to January 6th 2024.

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Kilnamartyra team colours on our footballer figures.
Kilnamartyra GAA team colours on workshop footballer figures.
Kilnamartyra GAA team colours on workshop footballer figures.

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A Gaelic football team poses for a group photo in a stadium. The players are in two rows, wearing white uniforms. Beneath them, bold text reads "REFUSE TO LOSE!" In the bottom right corner, there's a circular logo with Gaelic text and imagery.